Friday, August 29, 2014

Is Chritianity Hard? Eph 6

I have been a believing Christian for a long time now and it is ever more apparent that Ephesians 6 is sincere that there is an ongoing spiritual battle going on all around us. We see it in the world and in the church and in ourselves.
It is more and more apparent to me that I need Christ...You need Christ...Everyone NEEDS Christ! He is the one who is sufficient - for I will never be in and of myself.
Put on your spiritual armor today and face the enemy! Our Lord is Stronger!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

People in a Hurry

Why is everyone in such a hurry these days?

I was heading yesterday to pick up my son from work and was coming up to a red light. I noticed the car behind me cut through the gas station on my right in order to get past me and the car in front of me as they were turning right. Once the light turned green and we had proceeded - i then noticed the same car as we came up to the next light where they were stopped and we were again turning right.

So breaking the law of cutting through the gas station parking lot had only gained them about .000001 seconds...sound familiar? Yet we all do this at times...don't we?

Praying people will begin to sow more patience that we might reap more peace.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Welcome to the breave new world!

Welcome to the brave new world! Where Americans give up their freedom willingly to an ever increasing Federal State in the understanding that somehow "they" will protect us.

It's an interesting proposition. We all have fears. Some fear the weather, others people, still others driving or heights or wild animals, etc. etc. But when we let fear drive our decisions instead of faith, we run into serious trouble. People, our Federal Government is not the answer - God is!

If you read God's word there is a sound that resonates throughout the scriptures that there is freedom when we have faith and slavery when we have fear. How many times does God say "Do not fear" or "Have faith"?

Sow Faith today and reap freedom tomorrow...quit sowing fear as only slavery will result.

Tim for Galatians 67

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Sowing & Reaping

Hi All - we are going to be re-doing the site for a while - until God helps me find some clear direction for the ministry effort. Until then - we are going to post here as a blog and use Sermon Audio to offer messages and commentary with regard to the framework of Galatians 6:7 and how it applies to all areas of life.

We believe this is of the key verses in the Bible and can be applied to many areas of life - "Do not be deceived, God will not be mocked, a man will reap what he sows". In context Paul is applying it to giving, but we will work to apply it to many other areas.

This about where this verse applies - in relationships (especially with the Lord), work ethic, culture, finances, ethics, intellectual pursuits, how we spend time, etc.

It will be an adveture to be sure, but we are going to do our best.

May God Bless you and keep you. What are you sowing for the Kingdom today?

Tim for